
Here are several fields to set the program to your needs

Here you can enter the default program you want to start to play the video. Check what's available on your system, for example Celluloid. There are many others that work equally well: banshee, boxee, kaffeine, miro, vlc, ffplay. Whenever you double click on a video file this will launch. Default is empty. When the field is empty than double click will fail (do nothing).
Base directory
When the program starts it uses this directory for the folder view.
Trash Bin

Default is: ~/.local/share/Trash

Please note that video files are usually rather large files and moving them to trashbin consumes a lot of storage that could be unnoticed. So we suggest cleanup your cache regular.

Consider to make this field empty. That means files will be really deleted and you cannot recover them.

Thumb Cache

Default is: ~/cache

Note videothumb need a chache.

Vertical thumb size

The size in pixels of the thumbnails in the view. Bigger thumbnails is more easy to the eye but means less information may fit on the page. Wile with smaller thumbnails more of them will fit on a page but it's more difficult to see what's on. The setting enables to adjust for your monitor size. Default is 90 as this works on most of todays monitors.

To create the columns the program will make some calculation based on 3 values:

The number of colums needed.
Max video length
When the max video length is x (seconds) than the last column will get a thumbnail at x seconds. Any longer videos will not automatic create extra columns. This is designed so whan there is accidently a full 1 hour video in the folder it does not overload your screen with thumbnails or slow down the program to try create 200 thumbnails.

Log/Lin (radio button)

When Lin than the colum values will be evenly spread.
as in 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
When log than the colum values will be logarithmic
as in 3, 12, 46, 166, 600

The disadvantage of linear is when you try to work with longer videos, example 9 minutes, it becomes 100, 200, 300, 400, 500. Than you can't see the differenc between a short 3 seconds and a much longer 1 minute video.

Authors home videos range from 1 second to 5 minutes. Usually the very short 1 to 3 second videos are mistakes and can be deleted.


Set Default (button)
This will erase all the above values and load default values. Nice to have when things got completely messed up.